Although a formal committee of Brighton & Hove City Council, the Health & Wellbeing Board has a remit which includes matters relating to the Integrated Care Board (NHS Sussex,) the Local Safeguarding Boards for Children and Adults and Healthwatch.



Sussex Shared Delivery Plan Year 2 Refresh



Date of Meeting:

16 July 2024



Report of: Amy Galea, Chief Integration and Primary Care Officer, NHS Sussex



Contact:  Chas Walker






Wards Affected: All





Executive Summary

This report builds on the report to the March 2024 Health & Wellbeing Board where we set out the achievements for year 1 (23/24) in delivering our Place-based Shared Delivery Plan objectives. This report sets out the deliverables planned for year 2, 2024/25 and how these support the Sussex Integrated Health and Care Strategy, Improving Lives Together, respond to the NHS Operational Planning Guidance for 2024/25 and support the strategic aims of the Brighton & Hove Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy 


Decisions, recommendations and any options


The Health and Wellbeing Board is asked to note and support the objectives of the Sussex Shared Delivery Plan (SDP).





1.   Relevance to the Brighton-Hove Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy

The strategy sets out our vision for improving the health and wellbeing of local people and reducing health inequalities. Everyone in Brighton & Hove will have the best opportunity to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Our Shared Delivery Plan specifically support the following Health & Wellbeing strategy objectives

Starting Well

      High quality and joined-up services will consider the whole family and, where appropriate, services will intervene early to provide support to prevent problems escalating.

      Risks to good emotional health and wellbeing will be addressed, including parental substance misuse and domestic abuse, and mental health services will be easier to access.

Living and Working Well

      Information, advice and support will be provided to help people to eat well, move more, drink less and stop smoking to reduce their risk of developing long-term health conditions. Local people and communities will be encouraged to make the most of these opportunities to improve their health and wellbeing.

      Mental health and wellbeing will be improved and easier access to responsive mental health services will be provided.

Ageing Well

      People will be supported to reduce loneliness and social isolation and to reduce their risk of falls.

      More people will be helped to live independently in the community by services that connect them with their communities.

In addition to this the Shared Delivery Plan also supports the following population priority groups as agreed by the Brighton & Hove Health & Care partnership in 2022

And through the National Core20Plus5 health inequalities programme our 20% most deprived wards and our five local health inequality priority groups.

3.   Background and context

3.1.1   The Sussex Health and Care Assembly approved the Sussex Integrated Health and Care Strategy, Improving Lives Together with full support and engagement from system partners at its meeting in public on 14 December 2022. It was formally launched in January 2023. Within the strategy, the Assembly identified three key strategic priorities of:

·         A new joined-up community approach to health and care,

·         Growing and developing our workforce and

·         Improving the use of digital technology and information

3.2.       In late December 2022, the Department for Health & Social Care published guidance for Integrated Care Boards to develop a five-year joint forward plan (our Shared Delivery Plan). This was formally launched as part of the NHS Anniversaries communication campaign.

3.3.       The SDP is written as a single plan that incorporates the NHS Operating Plan requirements for 2023/24, the delivery plan for the five-year Sussex Health and Care Improving Lives Together Strategy and for each of the three Place Partnerships Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategies. It reflects our ambition to improve the lives of everyone living across Sussex now and in the future. We want local people to thrive to be the best they can be, to be healthier and feel supported; and have the best possible services available to them when and where they need them.

3.4.       Our Integrated Care Strategy, Improving Lives Together represents this ambition and sets out the agreed long-term improvement priorities, as well as the immediate and continuous improvement areas that will bring the greatest benefits to local people and our workforce.

3.5.       Sussex Integrated Care Board (ICB) and partner organisations are required to prepare a joint forward plan before the start of each financial year, setting out how they intend to exercise their functions in the next five years.

3.6.       This paper sets out the refreshed deliverables for the second year of the Shared Delivery Plan (SDP).

3.7.       Due to sequencing of respective HWBBs, work has been undertaken with Local Authority partners to approve this paper through their sovereign governance arrangements to ensure approval ahead of publication.

3.8.       Once approved, a public facing document will be developed to complement the year 2 refreshed deliverables paper.  NHSE have confirmed that following the announcement of the election and the immediate start of the pre- election period, systems should publish their JFPs as soon as possible after 4 July, in line with published pre-election guidance.

4.     Proposal details

4.1.       The proposed year 2 updated deliverables have been developed and signed off by each of the ICB 11 delivery boards and the Place-based SDP objectives have also been signed off by our Brighton & Hove Health & Care Partnership Executive Board

4.2.       The Brighton & Hove Health and Care Partnership, which brings together key local health and care partner organisations to work collaboratively to deliver the objectives of the Joint Brighton & Hove Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Sussex wide strategy, Improving Lives Together has led the development of the local transformational priorities and the SDP oversees their delivery.

4.3.       The SDP demonstrates that significant steps forward have been achieved across all our priorities to support delivery of the system Strategy (Improving Lives Together).  There is much still to be done if, as a system, we are to achieve the ambitions we set for our population in Improving Lives Together, by 2027/28.

4.4.       Our Place-based year 2 SDP deliverables, for 24-25, are based on the same 7 key workstreams as last year but we have refreshed the objectives and now have 23 objectives that support our local health & care priorities and the delivery of the Sussex wider strategy, Improving Lives Together. Some of these objectives will be delivered Sussex wide and subset of that report reviewed at place.

4.5.       The Brighton & Hove plans for Year 2, build on many of the achievements from year 1 and reflect the next phase for them. The specific changes & highlights to note are:


·         The transitioning of the learning from our Multiple Compound Needs Transformation Programme and reframing as our community frontrunner programme for the development of Integrated Community Teams (ICTs)

·         With the focus, this year, on Place-based partnerships leading the development and implementation of ICT, we have included in our SDP objectives, the development of a local ICT implementation plan. This plan will be developed in alignment with the Sussex programme milestones and ambition for ICTs. This is also be reviewed in alignment with the East and West Place.  

·         In delivering the Sussex Mental Health Community Transformation programme the implementation, in Brighton & Hove, of our new Neighbourhood Mental Health Teams will be aligned to the ICTs.

·         Building on the success last year of our Community Health Inequalities Programme, which we presented in detail to the Board in March. We have taken the learning from this programme into a new Healthy Communities Programme that will align this important work with our development of ICTs and our continued commitment to tackling local health inequalities.

·         As part of our urgent care transformation work the roll out of our new Transfer of Care Hub at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.

4.6.       For Year 2 there will be an amended approach to the Sussex wide oversight of delivery of the SDP workstreams, with a move away from the need for a delivery board for each workstream and a clearer separation between oversight of the operating plan requirements versus those priorities which support delivery of our long term strategy and/or areas requiring improvement.  The proposal reflects the changing system architecture but also looks to address concerns raised through 2023/24 about the resource burden created within the system by the 11 Sussex delivery boards alongside individual Place oversight boards, including challenges with attendance and servicing the associated governance and reporting. We will be streamlining our local Oversight Boards to ensure clear alignment with our SDP objectives, but reducing duplication across our System.

5.     Consultation, engagement and advice

5.1.       The SDP was informed by patient, public and workforce insight and feedback. As part of the development of the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy, Improving Lives Together, our engagement approach successfully delivered direct feedback from 18,000 people, face to face and virtual workshops with 420 people, 500 interviews and direct feedback through partners, 1440 survey responses on our ambition priorities, 800 individual conversations in public engagement events and online communication that has reached more than 200,000 people. At Place there is ongoing and strong community and lived experience involvement in our SDP deliverables. Examples include the Community Health Forums and the specialist Multiple Compound Needs & Mental Health lived experience groups that are all supporting our shared aims for Integrated Community Teams.

5.2.       The SDP refresh builds upon this engagement. A suite of easy read, public facing material is being developed in parallel to ensure that we can effectively communicated to our population, where we intend to focus our efforts in 2024/25 and the impact that this will have on how they experience healthcare in Sussex.  This will be published on our website once the detailed plan has been approved.

Contact: Chas Walker, Brighton & Hove Joint Programme Director for Integrated Community Transformation

Appendices Presentation Papers

·         Our Sussex Integrated Care Strategy: Improving Lives Together

·         Shared Delivery Plan objectives 24/25




5.      Important considerations and implications




5.1      The National Health Service Act 2006 (as amended by the Health and Care Act 2022) requires ICBs and their partner trusts to prepare a plan setting out how they propose to exercise their functions in the next five years. These should be reviewed and/or revised before the start of each financial year, with  further developed and/or revise the joint forward plans (JFP). The report sets out  Sussex Shared Delivery Plan for year 2.


As set out in guidance published in March 2024 ICBs and their partner trusts should expect to be held to account for delivery of the JFP – including by their population, patients and their carers or representatives – and through the ICP, Healthwatch and the local authorities’ health overview and scrutiny committees.


            Lawyer consulted: Natasha Watson                                 Date:8 July 2024





5.2       The Sussex Integrated Care Strategy and Shared Delivery Plan provides the integrated care system with a flexible framework which builds on existing system and place strategies and plans, including Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Strategies. The Shared Delivery plan outlines the measures to be taken to deliver the Strategy’s system and place priorities for the short and long-term.


5.3       This informs budget development and the Medium-Term Financial strategy of the partner organisations, including the council. This requires a joined-up process for budget setting in relation to all local public services where appropriate, and will ensure that there is an open, transparent and integrated approach to planning and provision of services. Any changes in service delivery for the council will be subject to recommissioning processes and will need to be delivered within the available budget.




Finance Officer consulted:     David Ellis                     Date: 1/07/2024




5.4      This is covered in the main body of the report




5.5         None identified.




Supporting documents and information


Appendix1: Brighton & Hove Shared Delivery Plan Refreshed Objectives & Deliverables for 2024-25